
For A Moment, I Could Feel Like This;

Peter and Yvelyn's ROM was one of those that I really, really, like. I have so many pictures I want to share with you guys from the day with them I don't know where to start or how to choose a select few to post on the blog! So guess what? This is going to be a rather picture heavy post. Well, more picture heavy than usual, anyway.

I love all the details of their wedding! From the guestbook which was hand drawn by Peter and coloured in my Yvelyn depicting their love story over time, to the little black board and dolls, and the little placecard with everyone's name on them for the seating arrangement - it was all so lovely. I guess there's just something different about having done everything yourself by hand, it's your special day and you have a bigger role in it than hiring someone else to do it for you.

It was almost rained that day, and I remember just as I reached home after their solemnization, these big heavy raindrops fell from the sky. Luckily they were all indoors at that point enjoying a yummilicious lunch at the Shangri-La.

Enough talk! Let's get on to the pictures!


By My Side, Forever;

Hey everyone! Thought I'd just share a slideshow I did for Mei Wen and Linus. They had a beautiful wedding, and are such a beautiful couple themselves. I hope you guys enjoy!

Alaris and Linus Wedding from Elizabeth Goh on Vimeo.

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh