
No Matter What We Are, We Are Family

Sorry! I know it's been some time since my last entry. July has been quite busy month! My appointments are picking up and I'm very hopeful in getting my name out there into the industry. Here's a family I shot recently. They are absolutely amazing. All of them are so close to one another. I really wished my family was as close as they were, but with my sister married and moving out, it's going to be a little quiet from now on.

Anyway, Robert and Serita were originally from Sydney, and they were in Singapore for a couple of years because Robert was posted here. They are, however, back in Sydney now! This was shot just a week prior to their return. They were staying at Treetops Service Apartments, and Serita suggested we did our shoot there. And I must say she made a good choice! The place was breathtaking!

Here are the pictures, now!

I love the vintage feel of this photo. They're a really loving couple!

Their two older children, Isabella and Alexandro! Aren't they just a handsome pair?

Robert and Serita smothering their littlest one with all the love they can give!

Aren't they such a sweet family?

Hope to be able to shoot more of such lovely people! :)

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh