
Just Keep The Faith, And Let Love Lead The Way;

Ting Hway and Dan's wedding was the beginning of a very, very long week for me. I had just gotten a bit better from my flu and still tire easily. Subsequent days was spent involved with a very, very tedious freelance project (at least I got to see some of my ex-colleague's again!), and it was only today that I managed to get some rest after this exhausting week.

I love the fact that Ting Hway did her own make up for the morning ceremony. It's not very often that brides do that! She still look gorgeous all the same. There's this thing about brides on their wedding day- they all simply just exude beauty. And I think Ting Hway's inner beauty was like a light that lit up a dark, dingy room.

The boys had a ton of fun trying to get into the house. Ting Hway's nephews, both very skilled in martial arts, were the obstacle that stood between Dan and his wife to be. Having to copy the boy's every move proved to be a hell of a challenge for all of them, but in the end, the young shaolin masters to be were satisfied, and Dan managed to move on, finally claiming his bride.

The ceremony was held at NTU's chinese heritage center. I must must say that I did not know how to get there, and the videographer (AlvinaAdeline) for the day knew, so I drove behind him and whao, did he drive! My old matrix was barely able to keep up with him and I lost him quite a number of times. I hope bosslady Regina didn't feel all queasy from that rollercoaster ride. (On a side note: Alvin and Adeline were a dream to work with. Very professional and friendly!)

Everyone had such a good time, it was really most enjoyable to see the happy faces, all genuine, and all loving. Everyone that came really loved the couple from the bottom of their hearts, and you could really see that, the whole atmosphere was dripping with true, real love and happiness for the couple. Albeit the wedding was a simple affair, it was an amazing one nonetheless.

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh