The wedding banquet of Ting Hway and Dan was grand, being held in the luxurious Shangri-La, of course. But it wasn't the least bit flashy. There was no toast, no cake, no dried ice, none of the usual frills of a wedding banquet, and yet, the meaning of the night transcended all of that. The speeches by the couple, the father, as well as the sister were all filled with love and the night didn't need all the normal tradition of a wedding banquet to be just as beautiful, and just as meaningful.
I love the fact that Ting Hway and Dan went table to table and made it a point to pay attention to each and every one of their guests. Knowing Ting Hway and Dan, or at least shooting their wedding, makes me want to be a better person, and I'm sure all their guests feel the same way.

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