
With Sepia-Toned Loving;

Botanical Gardens in the morning of Christmas season is a gorgeous place. It was seriously like fairy land. They had all these different trees set up everywhere, and each tree was decorated by a different organization, such as Ikea, Hwa Chong, Tampines East CC, HPB, etc. It was simply stunning.

Bayu and Monika were both from Indonesia, but are happily staying in Singapore now, and they had a very small (and I mean, really small) ceremony by the swan lake in Botanical Gardens. Just the couple, two other friends, the JP and me made up the wedding party, and it was done in record time as well!

It was supposed to start at 8am, but nothing was set up yet because the table guys didn't know where Swan Lake was! So when they finally came, it was a mad frenzy to get everything set up as quickly as possible. The JP (Dr. Phua, if I'm not mistaken), was a stern looking, but actually quite funny man, and he married them, wishing them to "live happily ever after".

It was perfect weather, and we walked around, taken shots of Bayu and Monika in various places in the gardens. I love the fact that they are so cute together! Always laughing and smiling. I find it of utmost importance to be happy in life, and these two are seriously, happy.

Botanical Gardens in the morning, with all the Christmas lights up, is like fairy land.

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Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh