
We Choose Love, We Choose Light;

Shirley and Alex got married on the same day as Monika and Bayu, and guess what, they got the same JP as well! Which was such a coincidence! It was held at the Fullerton, in the suite on the top floor and man, that place has got one gorgeous view. You could see Clarke Quay on one side, the new IR on the other, the flyer, CBD, etc etc. I love how grand the Fullerton is!

I thought the two of them made a very sweet couple! When they collected their disc from me, we actually chatted about things ranging from their upcoming wedding, to things like Avatar, and disney movies! And we chatted for more than an hour, one of the longest conversations I had in quite a while.

Here's a shout out to the both of you! May you guys have an enjoyable customary, and a long lasting marriage!

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh