
Ain't No Way You're Ever Going To Get Less Than You Should

Hi Everyone! Wedding season is kicking in now, so I'd expect the posts to be lesser than usual. Like they're not little enough, right? Yes, yes, chide me, I deserve it for not blogging as much. I thought I should update you guys on what I've been working on in the non-wedding months!

I've been working with Steph from kittymao.com, who is a fabulous make up artist, to create interesting and edgy make up looks! You guys should totally check her out, she's pretty awesome!

Here are some of the looks that we've been doing on various gorgeous models!

We are having a makeover package for anyone who wanted to feel pretty! Please email bizarreness@gmail.com if you are interested.

I shall end off with a picture of Ms. KittyMao's skills on me - those of you who have actually seen me in real life know that it takes mad skills to make me not look like death because of the weird hours I keep. :P

Hugs and kisses to all who come by my little web space, and till my next post, good bye!

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh