

Something is brewing! Stay tuned to find out what is it...

On another note, I'm always at a lost of what to wear to weddings! I take pride in looking presentable when shooting my client's wedding, I mean, it's really not very nice if your photographer turns up wearing berms and a ragged old t-shirt, right? It's totally disrespectful to the client! However, the clothes that I have are either too uncomfortable for me to run around the whole day in, or are too... manly.

My usual uniform is a nice t-shirt, or blouse, dark jeans, and depending on whether it is in a church or ballroom, a jacket or blazer. I'm just... getting a little bored of it. Time to go shopping, I guess? :P

3 shouts, "Hello!":

Steph said...

Testing this for you!

Sarah Isabel Tan said...

Now I test this!

necrosis said...


Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh