
How Much is That Doggie on the Window, Woof Woof?

I believe most of you know that our company donates a small percentage of our profit two local charities, one of which is Action for Singapore Dogs. It's an organization that helps stray dogs as well as rehoming dogs. I honestly think that what they do is something very, very kind and as much as possible, please do support them. And after reading the terrible plight some dogs have to go through because they have been dumped by their owners, or for whatever reason they needed to be rehome, I'm quite glad that I actually adopted my dog. Visit them at Http://

Many of you know that I have a lovely little shih tzu, Yuki! She's such a darling. We've had her for I think close to 7 years now, and she gels really well with everyone in the family. We think she thinks she's not a dog though, haha. She loves humans and likes to fight with other animals.

We got her close to when she was a few months old. Half a year old, maybe. Her previous owner had bought her for her sons, but as they were too young to look after her and their family helper was going home permanently, they had put her up for adoption, and we got in touch through a friend's friend. We saw her and immediately fell in love. She was so funny, in a very stupid/blur kind of way. Since then, she has brought us much laughter and joy, and sometimes tears when we realized she ran out of the house (always not far, but oh so scary).

I guess she's one of the lucky ones, who hadn't had the need to go through the homelessness, the hunger, the loneliness of being a stray.

I urge all friends and couples who visit this blog and happen to see this, please adopt. These dogs waiting to be rehomed might be difficult in the beginning, but that's only because they're frightened. With proper love and care, I believe they can be a wonderful addition to any family. :)

This is the Sound of Summer;

Just came back from Bintan a couple of hours ago, and already I'm blogging. See how much I love you guys to be blogging at this hour when I'm so sleepy. People go to resorts and become revitalized but I ended up being really sleepy instead. Why ah? I think it's because we slept too much, then our bodies feel shiok and don't want to wake up anymore.

Sham (my honey) decided that my birthday present was going to be a trip overseas! We booked 3 days 2 nights at Bintan Lagoon Resort, and it was honestly very good! I expected quite bad because of negative reviews but I really enjoyed my stay there!

I actually did up this whole post with pictures and everything, but I decided to take it down because, well, it's a tad bit too personal to be put up here. Just know that I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and am back to take on more work and fulfill all the weddings that I'm lined up to shoot. :)

P.S. The photos not very glam also, very normal tourist-y shots. So don't feel like you've missed out on anything!

Just Me, You And The Dance Floor!

Off to Bintan for a short getaway. Won't be bringing my darling dslr along, as I fear the wind and waves will attempt to murder it, but I'll be bringing my trusty little compact camera. Will post some pictures when I get back from this little short holiday. Many many thanks to bosslady Regina for helping me out with the scheduling of customers while I'm gone. I'm glad we've worked out a way to see each other's schedule!

Anyway, if you haven't already seen, this is something that should keep you entertained for a while! :) Couples that are to be married, especially take note! This video put a great big smile on my face. If I ever do have a wedding in the future, I'd like something like this. Everyone should have fun on their big day, and the best part is, you surprise all your guest and everyone will remember you wedding. It don't get more memorable than this.

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh