
This is the Sound of Summer;

Just came back from Bintan a couple of hours ago, and already I'm blogging. See how much I love you guys to be blogging at this hour when I'm so sleepy. People go to resorts and become revitalized but I ended up being really sleepy instead. Why ah? I think it's because we slept too much, then our bodies feel shiok and don't want to wake up anymore.

Sham (my honey) decided that my birthday present was going to be a trip overseas! We booked 3 days 2 nights at Bintan Lagoon Resort, and it was honestly very good! I expected quite bad because of negative reviews but I really enjoyed my stay there!

I actually did up this whole post with pictures and everything, but I decided to take it down because, well, it's a tad bit too personal to be put up here. Just know that I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and am back to take on more work and fulfill all the weddings that I'm lined up to shoot. :)

P.S. The photos not very glam also, very normal tourist-y shots. So don't feel like you've missed out on anything!

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh