I tell you, and I am not exaggerating, their house is absolutely gorgeous. I was awed by their furniture (how detailed everything was), and also by how clean and bright the whole house looked. Everything put together was super duper pretty, yet it didn't look overdone, like a showroom that had a very warm lived-in feeling to it.
The only thing that outshone the house were the people living in it. Sapna is gorgeous and the camera just loves her. Vishay is handsome and has a very bollywood hero look going for him. Vinu herself was very warm and friendly! The poor dear had hurt her back when I came over. I do hope she's feeling a whole lot better now.
Anyway, this is the first time ever using my new swanky 40D and I'm loving it! The quality is far better than my trusty old 400D and it's a whole lot smarter too! I can't wait to shoot more with it!

Doesn't she just look amazing?

And he looks so handsome?

Having a little fun shooting the both of them together!

I love her ethnic india outfit, it's absolutely gorgeous.

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