
And You Will Hold My Heart Inside Your Hand;

Having a solemnization ceremony at home is always a cosy affair, and that is exactly what Alex and Jazlyn did for theirs! The whole ceremony had a very homely feel to it, and though it everything was very simple, I felt the couple was larger than life! Hopefully the pictures below would explain why!

Alex had this pair of awesomely cool glasses. I believe they were made from a wooden frame. I mentioned this and Jazlyn told me she was the one that had picked it out for him. You have a very good eye, Jazlyn! I think Jazlyn is the kind of person I love being around. Always laughing and having fun. Anyone with them would be certain of a good time, too!

Jazlyn, not used to wearing contacts, started to put on everyone's glasses, including my own! It was hilarious watching her try on different pairs and making strange faces at everyone while she did so.

And to prove what a crazy bunch they are, their friends gave them a little present, fit for only bedroom use. Their actual day came early when everyone bugged Alex to put on his new undies over his pants. Gotta love the colour, though!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your day, even though you had more than adequate help in taking photos, and I really hope that you guys like the pictures! :)

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh