
Mini - Update

Hi everyone!

I know, I know, I did say I'll blog more and all that, but between going through all my images, meeting new customers and getting albums ready, I really find it hard to blog! Not to worry though, I have a ton of posts written up, waiting to be published. They're mostly just waiting for me to get around to selecting my favorites from the day, so there should be something new coming up very soon!

Anyway, I'd just like to let everyone know that I'll be away from the 11th to 15th Feb for the Chinese New Year celebrations! I swear, I'm going to become so round from all the Chinese New Year goodies that my couples will not be able to recognize me anymore!

I apologize for any delays to my customers in terms of getting their images (even though feedback is we're considerably faster than a lot of studios), albums etc. My schedule's really packed at the moment, and I'm really doing my best to fit in everyone.

恭喜发财,万事如意,心想事成,would be my wishes to all of you this coming Tiger year. May you guys roar with never ending passion for life!

With love,

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh