
It Was Not My Lips You Kissed, But My Soul;

Thank you to a previous bride of mine (I think you know who you are), my name has been circulating around in all the different forums! That's how Fyn and Ryan managed to find me, and asked me to cover their lovely ROM.

They held their ROM at Hotel Rendezvous! I've been there a couple of times and I really wish the hotel would do something about their parking because it is really very scary to turn into the basement! My car's quite old and I don't really mind if it gets scratched a little bit and even then, I had to reverse and turn reverse and turn before I could get into the underground parking.

When I got to the lobby, there was another couple holding an ROM as well, and thinking that the wedding party was the one I was supposed to go to, happily strolled on over to have a look at their guestbook and albums, etc. They had an album comprising of childhood pictures and I thought to myself, "Er, I think this isn't my couple."

After checking the name, I was 100% sure it wasn't my couple, haha!

I have to say that both Fyn and Ryan are really tall; and height is something I'm not exactly blessed with. The ceremony was short and sweet, and the food after was very good! Thank you for letting me cover your ROM, and I really hope that you guys enjoy the photographs!

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh