
Welcome to the Family!

Everyone knows how terrible Singapore IT fairs can be. For one to brave the crowds, the noise, the lack of space, the constant flyers being thrusts into your face... It's not pleasant. Needless to say, the last time round I actually stepped foot into an IT show was when I was in secondary school, to buy my first point and shoot camera. That was such a long time ago...

This year, I mustered up a ton of courage and tried to plan so that I didn't go when it would be the most suffocating (Friday, 1pm), just to get a new addition to my growing Macintosh family.

Meet... Squee the Second!

Look at how big the box was! I felt so cheated! The brochure said I'd be able to get a trolley and... They told me that I needed to purchase the 27" iMac in order to get a free trolley. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to lug such a big box from Suntec City Convention Center to Pan Pacific (where I had parked my car due to the lack of parking lots)?! I swear... I almost toppled over 2-3 times, and I had to stop many a time to catch my breath/rest.

But it's all worth it! Because my baby is home with me!

This is the amount of cash I had prepared, just in case the credit card option did not work!

Topping up an extra $199, these are the extra stuff that I got. The thumbdrive was from my UOB credit card. I thought it was worth it to get an AppleCare at a cheaper price. That's the whole point of the IT show, right?

Slowly placing it on my table... I need to clear my table! This requires a lot more space! Or maybe I need a bigger table...

Booting up for the first time! So exciting!

Magic mouse (which is a dream to use) and the wireless keyboard. I asked if I could changed to the wired keyboard with the number pad, but I couldn't. Which sucks... I'd like a bigger keyboard.

The whole Macintosh family!

Yuki completely miffed that I ignored her to set up my new baby. Sorry Yuki!

The one thing I really dislike about acquiring a new computer is transferring all your stuff from the old one. Luckily, Apple computers have Migration Assistant, which hopefully after I get myself a firewire, I'd be able to use. I'm going to try leaving it overnight on my network, but it's sort of dodgy, so... I wouldn't get my hopes up for that.

But in order to tide me over, there's the marvelous screen and home sharing features!

Anyway, I'm nearly done with all my installation of programs, and it'll be as though I've been using it all my life! :D I'm very, very happy, and with this new system, I hopefully can create better quality images now!

0 shouts, "Hello!":

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh