
Someday, Somewhere, We Can Let Our Soul Run Free;

Let me tell you something, Corliss and Royston are the cutest, funniest couple at an ROM I've shot so far! Oh my goodness I laughed until my stomach ached! I think the pictures will speak more for it than anything. When I was editing the photos, I remembered what went on and had to chuckle to myself in the middle of the night. How silly, right?

Some details to kick start:

Look at that pretty bling!

I love Corliss's smile! Doesn't she just look so pretty?

One more of her beautiful smile!

While waiting for the ceremony to start, Corliss, Royston and one of their friends decided to have a little bit of fun 'playing wedding'! What do I mean?

Roles are switched around! Corliss might make an excellent Justice of Peace in the future! Ever think of it as a retirement plan? :P

Time to kiss the bride!

Now it's time for the real ceremony!

Having trouble answering the JP's questions! Was it supposed to be 'I will'? Or was it 'I do'? Wait, what am I supposed to be saying...?

I love this photo! "Are you sure this ring can fit...?"

"Maybe I need to push harder!"

Saying the most important words to each other...

And finally married!

And... lastly, Royston got "punished" for only kissing Corliss on the cheek... Poor thing!

What an enjoyable ROM! I can't wait for my next one... which is later today! Speaking of which, I better start getting ready... :)

2 shouts, "Hello!":

Anonymous said...

So cute :)

May I know what's the second photo about? Couldn't figure out what's those...

lixximajig said...

That was part of the hotel decor outside their ROM room!

Copyright @ Singapore Wedding Photographer; Elizabeth Goh